Go for the “BIG ONE”

How would you like to take a vacation on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten?

With 37 wonderful beaches, turquoise seas, blue skies, stunning sunsets, and the best food in the region, St. Maarten has everything you could even want in a vacation destination.

Sounds like a dream come true?

Your dream vacation is here for you

Your dream vacation is here for you

We’d like to invite you to come to St. Maarten for the best vacation you’ve ever had.  All you have to do is click on the picture below, make your donation and choose the “BIG ONE” from our list of perks on offer in our crowdfunding campaign.  In addition to receiving a bumper package of tee-shirts, bumper stickers and shell jewellery you’ll also receive 6 months of weekly produce boxes that you can personally donate to your favourite island cause.  Your name will be displayed on our delivery vehicle, you’ll receive a signed certificate of appreciation and recognition on our website.  To top all this, we’ll fly you to St. Maarten!

Contribute Now

Yes, we’ll fly to St. Maarten (subject to availability), we’ll meet you at the airport and take you to your choice of accommodation.  During your stay we’ll give you the island tour, provide you with all the organic produce you desire and you can spend as much time as you wish enjoying the lush, peaceful environment at the Lowlands Community Garden.

Maybe you’d like to personally deliver the very first organic produce boxes to the local orphanage.

Deliver your donation personally.

Deliver your donation personally.

Maybe you’d like to spend a day on the water, sailing to another nearby island, snorkelling, swimming and sunning.

Take part in St. Maarten's annual regatta - one of the biggest in the Caribbean

Take part in St. Maarten’s annual regatta – one of the biggest in the Caribbean

How about a day relaxing in a hammock?  We have one you can use and the trees to hang it from right on the beach.

Relax in our comfy hammock on the peaceful Nettle Bay beach.

Relax in our comfy hammock on the peaceful Nettle Bay beach.

Once you’ve unwound and relaxed, there’s also night life, parties and all the duty-free shopping you could hope for, right here on the Friendly Island.


Join the Carnival parade

Just imagine the fun you can have when you choose the “BIG ONE”

Graphic perks - $10,000 copy