Organic Strawberries on SXM

Earlier this year we began a trial of a variety of organic strawberries in the first aquaponics system at the Lowlands Community Garden.  The trial was successful with the plants all settling well into their new environment and flowering within 10 days of arrival.  There then followed a small crop of wonderfully sweet fruits.  As a result of this success, we then ordered a further shipment of strawberry plants of the same variety and we now have them growing in the second aquaponics system in the new strawberry frames.2103 strawberries




1205 strawberry frame 1 Each of the 6 strawberry frames holds 96 plants and we expect our next crop in June.  The first plants are flowering for a 2nd time and the new plants should begin to flower within the next week.

You can ONLY enjoy your share of our fresh, non-GMO, chemical-free strawberries by becoming a CSA member.


1005 strawberry flower