Introducing CSA to SXM

Imagine – Fresh organic vegetables, herbs, spices and fruit grown right here on SXM and delivered to your door weekly – ALL year round.

CSAThis is what a CSA share from the Lowlands Community Garden will provide for you.  Even the pickiest eaters will dig into the colours, aromas and obvious nutritional value of our organic produce.  Our regular newsletters will be filled with recipes and storage tips to help you capture the most flavour and freshness from your local harvest.

CSA or Community Supported Agriculture is a system first devised in France that has now spread worldwide.  CSA shares are exactly that, shares of the produce from a specific grower.  On SXM the grower is the Lowlands Community Garden and to bring you citrus and other slow growing produce, we’ve partnered with an organic grower in Dominica.  Due to our wonderful climate we are able to grow all year round so we’re offering 4 x 12 week CSA share ‘seasons’ every year beginning in January 2014. 

They are:

  • Q1 – January through March
  • Q2 – April through June
  • Q3 – July through September
  • Q4 – October to December. 

There will only be 50 CSA shares in each ‘season’ and we’re accepting deposits now for Q1, the first 12 weeks.  Pay your deposit online by clicking the link below or email us at to arrange to make your payment in cash.

CSA deposit copy

There are lots of reasons for joining a CSA, but the best ones boil down to this: Instead of paying for transporting chemically contaminated vegetables for thousands of miles, you can spend the same dollars and receive excellent fresh, tasty, locally grown organic food and support a local community project that provides employment and training in aquaponics, permaculture and organic production.  You will also be helping to create opportunities for future generations of natural growers AND eaters, while encouraging a healthy local economy and environment.  Plus, you belong to a community of like-minded people that has come together around similar values. 

The Lowlands Community Garden is the first of a network of productive, organic gardens and farms we plan to establish in every community on the island.  We will hold regular Open Days and training courses, and we welcome volunteers to participate in all aspects of the project from sharing our crowdfunding campaign (about to be launched) on social media to spending time in the garden working with the plants and fish.  Volunteers will be invited to join our local time bank, TimeBankSXM, where they can bank time spent volunteering and exchange their time credits for produce or for services offered by other TimeBankSXM members.  Send us an email to to find out more about our volunteer opportunities.

The Lowlands Community Garden.

We look forward to growing with you!

A project of LightWorkersSXM