Understanding Iron in Aquaponics

026_symbolIron is the most plentiful element on our planet, by mass, and it’s essential to healthy plant growth.  Plants use iron to produce chlorophyll, which makes their leaves green and plays a vital role in photosynthesis.  Not only is iron good for the plants, it’s organic and it’s harmless to fish. 

A lack, or shortage, of iron in an aquaponics system is easy to recognize as the leaves of the plants become pale.  Of course, if the plants aren’t photosynthesising properly they won’t be able to use all those wonderful nutrients that our friendly bacteria are converting from the ammonia produced by the fish.  Plant growth will be limited, produce yields will suffer and plants will become more susceptible to pests and diseases.  As in nature, balance is essential to the health of your aquaponics system. 

Fortunately it is relatively easy, and inexpensive, to avoid iron deficiency in an aquaponics system.  You can find out more about the relationship between plants and iron, the types of iron supplements available and how to use them in this great article……………

Iron deficiency is apparent in this aquaponics system.

Iron deficiency is apparent in this aquaponics system.