The History Of Bumper Stickers

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The bumper sticker is as popular as ever in the 21st century and that’s why we’re including bumper stickers in our perks for our IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign.  To get yours, just go to to make your contribution of $25 or more and GET BUMPERED today!

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Here’s a little more about how bumper stickers have developed since they were first attached to a bumper…….

In 1927, Henry Ford changed the way we got from point A to point B. We replaced the horse and carriage with the Model A and then we quickly found a way to turn these metal contraptions into a new way to express our opinions. Henry Ford also did something else for us with the BS 4automobile. He put them out for thousands of people to purchase and as people began to have accidents, he added the bumper to provide some protection to the front and back of the car. Combine this bumper with America’s keenness to advertise almost anything and people had found a new way to advertise their products and ideas.

The first bumper “stickers” were made of cardboard and metal. These were then connected by wire and string. In fact, they looked more like a license plate than a sticker. Nevertheless, these were the forerunners of bumper stickers, as we know them today.

A change to the way bumper stickers were made would come later.BS 3

In 1934, a man called Forest P.Gill made ends meet by printing everything from signs to can labels all made from canvas. The prints were treated with chemicals to keep them from running and to withstand the weather. Gill realized that this process would be perfect for printing bumper stickers and the rest, as they say, is history.  Read more HERE…………..